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The ASE-Team

You will be guided through your Bachelor Project by an experienced team of (MSc) students, professors and researchers. Based on your choice of topic and research question, you will be matched with a domain expert in your field of research.

Max Gallup

Max Gallup

Hardware Lead, Project Administrator

Elias Groot

Elias Groot

Software Lead, Project Administrator

Organizing Team

The organizing team runs the project organization as well as providing all guidance for software & hardware questions. All communication goes through them (, they are your first point of contact and advise your supervisor on your progress, academic attitude and executed work.

  • Max Gallup, on-site supervisor, lead hardware engineer
  • Elias Groot, on-site supervisor, lead software engineer

Assisted by our teaching assistants Darian Janevski, Niels Dijkstra and Leonid Ivanov.

Domain Experts

Your entry to the research domain you are interested in. After being accepted, your group will be paired with a domain expert who will be your assigned first reader and grade of your thesis. They will also answer domain & research related questions during your scheduled meetings.

  • Dr. Natalia Silvis-Cividjian, Autonomous Systems and Software Testing
    • ASE research interests:
      • Research in computer vision and illumination conditions
      • Applying machine learning techniques for trajectory planning
      • Autonomous driving software testing
  • Dr. Ivano Malavolta, Energy-Efficient Software and Robotics
    • ASE research interests:
      • Application of architectural tactics for improving the energy efficiency and runtime performance of the ASE/Rover
  • Dr. Erik Van der Kouwe, Systems security
    • ASE research interests:
      • Bus hardening and firmware fuzzing of the ASE software framework
      • Vulnerability fuzzing and taint analysis in the web interface of the ASE software framework
      • Researching the tradeoff between hardening authorization access of hardware control of modules and low latency requirements of robotics systems
  • Drs. Kees Verstoep, Internet of Things
    • ASE research interests:
      • Localization using ultra wide band sensors
  • Dr. Ilias Gerostathopoulos, Software and Sustainability
    • ASE research interests:
      • Creating a simulator (digital twin) for the ASE/Rover
  • Dr. Atze van der Ploeg, Programming Languages
    • ASE research interests:
      • Performing a system-wide analysis of the ASE software framework for latency reduction
      • Comparing and benchmarking different approaches to the ASE software framework to analyze performance gain