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The mod-Imaging captures an image from a specified V4l2 camera device and will preprocess it. Applying segmentation algorithms to it to create a path.

Runs on Rover1 Debix
Precompiled binary available here
Adheres to Makefile spec
Source code is confidentially available using your Github token
Uses service.yaml
Registers with SystemManager


  • Use a gstreamer pipeline to capture an image from an input device and apply segmentation and edge detection
  • Add debug information using a lightweight Canvas object

Running this module


First compilation may be quite long because gstreamer libraries and bindings need to be built. Subsequent builds will be faster.

  1. Download the latest version of this module using the rover utility.
sudo rover update
  1. Enable this module in your /home/debix/rover.yaml file by (re)adding the following lines:
- name: mod-Imaging
  cmd: mod-Imaging -service-yaml /home/debix/mods/mod-Imaging/service.yaml -debug
  1. Start with the rover utility
sudo rover start


If you are running from source, you might need to install the following dependencies:

Using this module


This module does not depend on any other module.


This modules presents a process where a v4l2 device's images are parsed, segmented, and path-planned. It publishes this trajectory as a set of points on an IMAGE-HEIGHTxIMAGE-WIDTH 2d array and encodes it to a CameraSensorOutput protobuf message. This message can also contain JPEG bytes and a Canvas object that will be automatically parsed in the util-WebController.