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The Makefile spec

To make running and building services from source easier, almost all software components in the ASE framework adhere to the Makefile spec highlighted below. When a service adheres to this spec, the following make targets are exposed and can be run from the root of a component source folder:

  • make build: build a component from source
  • make start: build and start a component from source
  • make clean: clean up a build and all auxilliary files
  • make test: run all tests

For every software component individually, it is marked if they adhere to this Makefile spec.

Runtime and buildtime arguments

To pass runtime and buildtime arguments to your make target, use the reserved runargs and buildargs keywords:

# Start in debug mode
make start runargs="-debug"

# Build for a specific architecture
make build buildargs="-arch=arm64"

# Build for a specific architecture and start in debug mode
make start buildargs="-arch=arm64" runargs="-debug"