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The mod-Controller uses path data to calculate the best steering instructions and throttle values for the actuator to use.

Runs on Rover1 Debix
Precompiled binary available here
Adheres to Makefile spec
Source code is confidentially available using your Github token
Uses service.yaml
Registers with SystemManager


  • Based on imaging data, use PID to adjust steering position
  • Based on electronic differential and object detection, adjust motor power of individual motors

Running this module

  1. Download the latest version of this module using the rover utility.
sudo rover update
  1. Enable this module in your /home/debix/rover.yaml file by (re)adding the following lines:
- name: mod-Controller
  cmd: mod-Controller -service-yaml /home/debix/mods/mod-Controller/service.yaml -debug
  1. Start with the rover utility
sudo rover start

Using this module


This module uses CameraSensorOutput messages outputted by mod-Imaging.


This module outputs steering instructions based on lateral PID control and electronic differential steering. It encodes this data to a ControllerOutput protobuf message.