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The mod-Actuator translates calculated steering data and acceleration controls to hardware signals using the PCA9685 I2C PWM board.

Runs on Rover1 Debix
Precompiled binary available here
Adheres to Makefile spec
Source code is confidentially available using your Github token
Uses service.yaml
Registers with SystemManager


  • Based on Controller output, actuate motors, servo and lights
  • Safety kill switch in case any module in the pipeline crashes

Running this module

  1. Download the latest version of this module using the rover utility.
sudo rover update
  1. Enable this module in your /home/debix/rover.yaml file by (re)adding the following lines:
- name: mod-Actuator
  cmd: mod-Actuator -service-yaml /home/debix/mods/mod-Actuator/service.yaml -debug
  1. Start with the rover utility
sudo rover start

Using this module


This module uses ControllerOutput messages outputted by mod-Controller to actuate.

Startup latency

Due to the initialization of the PCA board, this module takes about ~5 seconds after startup before it starts processing ControllerOutputs. If you need to do any important actuating at the start of your module, consider adding a delay to the module that outputs ControllerOutput to start sending when mod-Actuator is initialized.


This module does not output anything but instead controls the PCA9685 I2C PWM board.