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Electronic components

Max Gallup

Max Gallup

Hardware Lead, Project Administrator

The following is a list of electronic components that are available commercially through retail. Most parts are replaceable to some some extent with alternatives, for example the USB camera is rather generic, so any USB Camera with similar capabilities and the same mounting layout will be a drop in replacement. However, some other parts don't have a drop in replacement such as the Debix and the B-G431B-ESC1, since they have specific features unique to the use-case of the Rover.

IDNameImageDescriptionNumber per CarLink
1Debix Model A 8GBThe debix is the brains of the whole operation. It comes with enough processing power to run the ASE Software framework.1link
2B-G431B-ESC1 Discovery KitThe electronic speed controllers (ESCs) translate the power from the battery into current to run the motors. This is a delevopment kit, so custom code was written to get Field Oriented Control to work with these ESCs. 2link
3AS5600 Magnetic EncoderAlong with a diametrically magnetized magnet mounted on the axel of the motor, the magnetic encoder is able to sense the angle accurately and communicates over i2c and PWM.2link
45010 360KV Brushless MotorLow KV Drone Motors enable running Field Oriented Control ESCs with as low of a input voltage as possible.2link
5REELY R2411T Metal Digital ServoStandard hobby-grade metal gear servo motors provide the car with steering capabilites.1link
6USB CMOS-camera voor Raspberry Pi en NVIDIAUSB-Camera capable of JPEG streaming at 30 FPS.1link
7URM09 Ultrasonic Distance SensorReports the distance of an object ahead over i2c with a ping frequency of up to 30Hz.1link